
Timble Family Mysteries Series

There's a Pirate in the Family

There's a Smuggler in the Family
There's a Spy in the Family
There's a Traitor in the Family

Reegan Murder Mystery Series

Is Jack Back?

A Gift Wrapped Murder
Funk to Fraud to Murder
Tropical Murder
4:20 Heist and Murder
Murder and a Crispy Rolls Royce

Natural Science

Fossil Shark Tooth Poster
Modern Shark Teeth
Fossil Shark Teeth
Fossil Collectors Handbook
Mammoths and Mastodons

Aiki Combat Jujits

White Tiger Kenpo

Tracy Kenpo

American Kenpo

Broadsword Forms

Pitbull Jujits

Tai Chi

Tae Kwon Do



Kenpo Hands


Kenpo offers the ultimate in Self-Defense.Self defense has always set Kenpo apart from other martial arts.  Kenpo defined is the art of striking the vital points of the body.  can have as many 600 self defense techniques, that will teach students not only how to strike the vital points of the body, but how to do so in a manner that is logical, natural, and flowing,  blending striking and grappling into seamless movement.

Kenpo Karate is a challenging yet greatly rewarding and fun martial art for men and women of all ages and capabilties. Kenpo had a rich history and one of Kenpo's chief attributes is that is a highly practical self-defense martial art.

Kenpo is the original Mixed Martial Arts or MMA

Kenpo karate is a unique mixed martial art or MMA that traces it's near history to the Pa lama settlement on Oahu, Hawaii. It is based on approximately 150 self defense patterns cataloged by the members of the Black Belt Society, whose members included William Chow who was Adriano Emperado (Kenpo) instructor, Walter Choo (Karate), Joe Holck (Judo), Frank Ordonez (Jujutsu),and George C. Chang. Ed Parker another of William Chow's student brought Kenpo to the U.S. in the 1950's and established American Kenpo as his style. The Tracy Brothers who were Parker students established the Tracy Kenpo based on these same techniques. The true origins of these self defense patterns are unknown but many theories and legends abound.

When mixed martial arts events came on the scene, and everyone began to feel the need to learn Brazilian jujitsu, Kenpo continued to do what we do best.  Because Kenpo integration of striking and grappling is so seamless, many were surprised to discover that grappling had been there all along.  When "Tae Bo" and "Cardio Kickboxing" were introduced, we stuck with self defense and continued offering state of the art, intense workout classes, with martial arts moves taught by martial arts experts.

Testing Requirements

Attaining rank is often a motivational goal for the majority of martial artists. The value of rank achieved is often different from school to school. We have realized this to be a problem. So we created a teaching curriculum that can be taught in a consistent manner in order to establish uniformity within the Kenpo association.

The following are the objectives to achieve the qualities and characteristics of each belt:

Yellow Belt: A Yellow Belt practitioner is given an introduction to the White Tiger Kenpo System while developing a working knowledge of the basics – the foundation of the Art. So there for it does not matter how fast you do the techniques but the basics must be correct.

Orange Belt: An Orange Belt practitioner must strive for the development of proper form so a to enhance the effectiveness of the basics. For this belt a student must start to bring the techniques up to street speed as well as show the ability to use them.

Purple Belt: A Purple Belt practitioner must strive for the development of speed as well as the power patterns of each technique by executing the basics with proper form.

Blue Belt: A Blue Belt practitioner must possess a proper display of power achieved by the correct application of form plus speed of the basics. Students should start being able to use the techniques at will without though

Green Belt: A Green Belt practitioner must be able to put everything together, have proper power patterns, speed and the ability to use the techniques

3rd Degree Brown Belt: A 3rd Degree Brown Belt practitioner must show all previous belts at the brown belt level. Be able to demonstrate any technique and use it effectively as well as start being able to hand multiple attacks.

2nd Degree Brown Belt: A 2nd Degree Brown Belt practitioner must enhance his/her physical fitness in order to increase ones stamina and to make one more tolerant of pain.

1st Degree Brown Belt: A 1st Degree Brown Belt practitioner must strive for the development of mental skills by possessing a working knowledge of the principles, concepts and theories of American Kenpo Karate.

1st Degree Black Belt: A 1st Degree Black Belt must demonstrate his/her expertise in in the White Tiger Kenpo system by properly demonstrate self defense skills, combat speed of the techniques, the ability to handle multiple attack situations. The student will be testing on all previous belts.

Kenpo Technique Catalog

The Evolution of Kenpo is told in the videos below with the Original American Kenpo as taught by Ed Parker and prior to the techniques having names as well as some of the techniques were later added on to as you can see in the videos. From American Kenpo, you have the Tracy brothers who started the Tracy System of Kenpo. And even though they came from American Kenpo you can see how they added to the techniques and rank system. From Al Tracy you have Jim Rathbone one Tracy Black belts where you can see Kenpo Evolve again into what is called White Tiger Kenpo Jujits. Enjoy the videos and the story they tell.

Click on the belt level below to see the videos for that rank from all three systems.

Yellow Belt Orange Belt Purple Belt Blue Belt Green Belt 3rd Brown 2nd Brown 1st Brown Black Belt

Kenpo Builds Confidence

Remember your last job presentation? Or if you’re still in school, think of your last exam. If you weren't’t prepared you entered the room nervous and upset, doubting you could succeed. If you had all your facts organized, you were eager to show what you could do. In life you may not know when you will be called upon to defend yourself or put your skills into action, but because of your training in Kenpo you will be confident that when the time arrives you will be able to perform successfully. Your Kenpo self defense training will enable you to face dangerous situations without panicking. Knowing you are prepared will give you confidence so you can calmly assess the situation, and focus your efforts for maximum efficacy. Training in Kenpo develops confidence in your physical abilities as well as in your mental judgment and ability to take in and assess situations. This confidence developed from true self defense martial arts training will carry through with all of your life’s activities.

The Intelligent Art of Self-Defense does not rely on brute strength to overpower the attacker, but rather teaches the student to use his mental abilities to assess the situation and decide what the best course of action should be. A student of Kenpo is instructed on how to assess a situation before it has escalated to a danger point. Like an expert Chess player, the Kenpo student learns how to predict what moves his opponent has available to him and what moves he will then take to counter those moves. This is the very heart of martial sciences known today more commonly as martial arts. Knowing that the body moves in predictable patterns and full knowledge of what those patterns are and how to counter them. The Kenpo student does not get “taken by surprise.” He or she is trained to be always alert and observant. They are totally aware of their surroundings and how to use the terrain to their advantage; what locations will make them more vulnerable; what they can use to their advantage. Using applied physics of motion, brute strength is not a necessity, so Kenpo can be used successfully by not only large men, but by average sized and small people as well, including women. Practicing Kenpo will improve strength for all and improve reflexes and mental alertness.

Kenpo Store

We have self-defense videos for the beginner, intermediate and advanced martial artist. During 20 years of teaching and evolving Kenpo, White Tiger Kenpo has produced a series of videos that will take you through the basics, forms and self-defense techniques with clarity and detail. Each gives a thorough explanation of every move with its underlying body mechanics.

History of Kenpo

There is much mystery surrounding the true origins of the art we call Kenpo. I have read and heard many wonderful stories about the origins of our art. Even though he is not certain which of these legends is the most accurate, the following seems to be the most logical origins from the evidence available today. ...More

Kenpo Terms